Owl Vision are amazing to start them off. They have back up their Fields Of Blow track with a remix of 'Toxic Is Dead' by yes of course Toxic Avenger (Just had to put that in for people that wouldn't know). This remix is crazy and is sure to blow your mind. Since downloading it my Itunes have accounted 27 times it has played and that is quite a bit since i got it during the week. The louder this sound it the better for me as it actual starts to kill brain cells while you listen.
Toxic Avenger - Toxic Is Dead (Owl Vision Remix)
OMG OMG OMG!! BelzeBass OMG! Cyberpunkers, yes made the original, yes it was a banger, but BelzeBass made it even heavier. It is straight out amzing cant go wrong with this song. Wait for about 1:14 and your brain will be destroyed.
Cyberpunkers - OMG (BelzeBass Remix)
The last song i discovered is a remix of Disco Villains. Crickets their new track is to come out shortly, but for the time being we will listen to remixes of this track. One remix i found of this track is 'Dopefish'. Wait for the driop around 0:44......mind blowing isn't it. Wait for all drops as they are amazing. This remix is heavy i just cant wait to hear the original to see if its as heavy as this!! Enjoy!
Have a listen and enjoy these three bangers. They are just simply mind blowing!!
Oh and also before i forget looking for more writers for this blog so if your interested send me and email at thedirtytracks@hotmail.com. Or just leave a comment under this post. Thank You!